Summer Spectacular: A Season of Fun and Learning at Ryan Greater Noida

Ryan International School, Greater Noida Summer Camp 2024, held from May 20 to June 1,2024 was a resounding success. Designed to offer a mix of fun and educational activities, the camp provided students with an opportunity to learn, grow, and enjoy their summer break.

Montessori students had an experience of fun filled activities that included PAPER CRAFT WORK and CREATIVE ART WORK .Apart from these fun activities, students were also trained for Conversation skills through Story Narration.

For classes 1-11 the summer camp included activities such as Dance, Music, Art and Craft, Glass painting, Pot Decoration, Canvas Painting, cricket, Football, Taekwondo etc. that helped to develop the physical, mental, psychological, and social aspects of a young student’s life.

This Summer Camp aimed at keeping the students engaged & provided them an even platform to explore and express their creativity, in any form. They not only made memories while having fun but they were able to face their fears, try new things, push their boundaries and realize self-sufficiency. They were able to make new friends amidst a lot of laughs & learnt team spirit. The main aim of the camp was to improve both the immediate and future quality of life for the young Ryanites through educational, recreational and cultural activities. Student’s were also awarded certificates as a testament for their incredible journey and growth during the summer camp

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