National Sports Day at Ryan International School Greater Noida

The school playground is no less important than the school lessons. It is on the playground that we learn to face defeat with a smiling face. So, the school playground helps the students to fight the battle of life like brave soldiers and heroes.

School celebrated National Sports Day by conducting various Interhouse sports event for classes 1st -12th. It was an inter-house sports competition between the houses of our school i.e., Aryabhata, Einstein, Newton and Raman.

The school, in collaboration with Decathlon Greater Noida conducted various sports such as Badminton, Table Tennis, Football, Tug of War, Basketball, Volleyball, Races and Fun games which were played diligently by all the participants and all students participated enthusiastically in all sports. Students were categorized in the groups of classes 1-3, classes 4-6, classes 7-9, classes10-12 and worked together as a team to make their house win the event and come out with flying colors. It taught our young ryanites several skills, the major being sportsmanship and the importance of it. At last, every house gave their best and worked their level best to win but, the Newton house came out with the victory with their hard work, dedication and commendable sports skills. We once again wish them very big congratulations. The School took initiative to build holistic development of the students as per the vision of our Chairman Sir.

यह भी देखे:-

जेवर में ललित नागर का डोर टू डोर कैंपेन कांग्रेस प्रत्याशी के लिए मांगे वोट
सेक्टर डेल्टा टू में दिशा सूचक बोर्डो की खस्ता हालत को जल्द से जल्द सही कराने की मांग - आलोक नागर 
दर्दनाक :सड़क हादसे में माँ-बेटी की मौत
मास्टर वीरेंद्रपाल सिंह राणा  बने महिला उन्नति संस्था के संरक्षक  
डॉ. श्यामा प्रसाद मुखर्जी का बलिदान दिवस मनाया
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हिंडन नदी बचाने के लिए चैनपाल प्रधान ने लिखा सीएम को पत्र
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अवैध अड्डों से शराब न ख़रीदें, ले सकता है आपकी जान, प्रशासन ने फीडबैक के लिए जारी किया नम्बर
शारदा यूनिवर्सिटी मे छात्राओ को बाँटे गए हेलमेट
गोल्डन फेडरेशन ऑफ़ आरडब्लूए ने ग्रेनो शहर की समस्या को उठाया
डॉ अम्बेडकर समाज सेवा समिति ने किया कार्यकारिणी का विस्तार
रायन स्कूल ग्रेटर नोएडा के विजयेंद्र ठाकुर को उत्कृष्ट खिलाड़ी का पुरस्कार
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केंद्र गाय को घोषित करे राष्ट्रीय पशु, गौरक्षा हो हिंदुओं का मौलिक अधिकार -इलाहाबाद उच्च न्यायालय
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