Ryanites, Greater Noida Shine as star at International Dance Competition

The students of Ryan International School, Greater Noida , Aditya Raj yadav of class 12th F and tanushree of class 12th I were selected for The 3rd Mount Everest International Dance and music Championship 2023 held in Kathmandu, Nepal on 27th june 2023.They represented India and its culture at an international level among countries like Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and many more. Aditya raj yadav won 1st prize in the western dance category and tanushree won 1st prize in the traditional dance category. Their performances received positive comments and were appreciated by all the judges. After a tough journey they were selected for the International Dance and Music championship which will be held in Sri Lanka.

They made our country proud as they held our country’s flag as they received the medals..

The school principal congratulated the achievers for their wonderful performance and felicitated them during the morning assembly.

यह भी देखे:-

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जी.एल.बजाज में सम्पन्न हुआ ए.के.टी.यू. द्वारा प्रायोजित फैकल्टी डेवलपमेंट प्रोग्राम