Ryan TV, the media initiative of the Ryan International Group of Institutions, imparts formal training to young student journalists (age group 11 to 21) for a TV News Presentation and Production course, entitled BBN or Beyond Breaking News, for which the students undergo the Hands On Training in fully equipped studios (capable of multi camera set-up, chroma key facilities, professional lights and teleprompter) at the Ryan International Schools at Malad (W)

“Education through the Lens” – the vision of the Chairman Dr. Pinto, is taking wing as it equips the students with the skills for yet another career option.

Ryan International Group of Institution believes in celebrating creativity and providing a platform to the youth of today to air their opinions. Following this viewpoint quite literally, an innovative BBN workshop was arranged by Ryan TV from 21st May till 28th May 2023 at Mumbai, wherein three students from Ryan Greater Noida,  GORMA WANCHOO, PRASHANT and KHYATI were part of the workshop .

During the BBN workshop, which lasted for a week, students were given theoretical training followed by hands-on practical training at a fully equipped studio. Students acquired knowledge in various areas of journalism such as news anchoring, interview editing, script writing, and camera angle management during shoots. It was an incredibly positive experience for them that instilled  confidence in students that they can handle such situations.  One of the major highlights of the workshop was its practical nature, as students  were taught almost all aspects of News broadcasting.


Students were highly excited and came back with a bagful of learning. They expressed that handling Camera, teleprompter and reporting an event made them understand the role of a Journalist. They do want to explore this field of Journalism in the future too.

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