The start of 36hrs Non-stop Hackathon (Unesco-India -Africa Harkaton)

The start of 36hrs Non-stop Hackathon

The event was put in motion by Vice Chancellor of Gautam Buddha University Prof. RK Sinha by cutting the ribbon just before 8 AM. This marked the beginning of 36 hrs non-stop UNESCO India Africa Hackathon.

338 African and 232 Indian participants working in 100 teams are now applying their skill and talent to find solutions for 20 problem statements in the area of Education, Energy, Drinking water & sanitation, Agriculture and Health & hygiene. By 8 PM on 24th November we will get the desired solutions that would have the potential to make the life easier for the common masses in India and Africa.

As soon as the clock ticked 8, participants started working on their respective problem statements. Spread over 3 floors in the main auditorium of Gautam Buddha University, the Hackathon area is now abuzz with activity and it will remain like that till 8 PM on 24th November.

यह भी देखे:-

यूपी: 24 घंटे में 208 संक्रमित मिले, मुख्यमंत्री बोले- जून में एक करोड़ लोगों को देंगे टीकाकवर
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ग्रेटर नोएडा: जैक लगाकर उठा रहे थे इमारत, भरभरा कर गिरी, बाल-बाल बचे 6 मजदूर
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