Taksh Bamnawat , a teenager become an author and established his book publishing company called T.B ORIGINALS

“Nothing is impossible cuz the word itself has I’m possible in it” it’s just a phrase you think, but a guy who’s just 15 is a living example for making these words come true.
A TEENAGER who worked so hard that his novels are enough to speak the tales of his success. With every good work he did, he is now achieving the WORLD RECORD.
TAKSH BAMNAWAT an author of 8 novels (fiction and nonfiction) got INTERNATIONAL WORLD RECORD from International book of world records at the age of 15. Title “maximum novels written and published by a teenager”.

Success is a word in which hardwork, patience, improvement, progress, failures, mistakes, struggle, stress, enthusiasm is silent. His success is visible to everyone but the hardwork Mst. Taksh did is the proof that he never gave up and always had his flame of believing in himself lighted up.

His new work is an amazing book named CANNIBAL.

This is the story speaks about the life of a girl whose mother had to face brutal domestic violence. Her whole life was spent in depression and This is the story of that little girl who turned into a cannibal, who unknowingly committed a lot of crimes by killing many innocent human who did no wrong. This story is full of suspense, surprises and thrill which will surely make you feel the unexpected.

Not only this but he also have wrote many spectacular books which makes him the record holder.
Taksh bamnavat is gifted with creative and innovative skills. He discharges his duties to the entire satisfaction for the people reading his book.

TAKSH BAMNAWAT, a teenager become an author and established a Book publishing company called T.B ORIGINALS his team is as hardworking as he is. The employees of this reputed organization have left no stone unturned to the company reach it’s new heights.

They have have more opportunities to come and more stairs of success to climb.

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