Students of Ryan International School Greater Noida participated at the International Taekwondo Championship held in Thailand from 25th August to 28th August 2022.

42 Countries with 3000 Athletics participated in the tournament.

Our Students bagged medals in the following categories

1. Vishal Nagar of Class 12 bagged Gold Medal in 62 Kg

2. Nikhil Tomar of class 12 bagged Gold Medal in 58 Kg

3. Parth Upadhyay of class 12 bagged Gold Medal in 52 Kg

The above three students were selected at the state level championship which was held at Lucknow from 24th July to 27th July-2022.

They have made our country and school proud by bagging 3 Gold Medals in different weight categories.

The winners were felicitated in the assembly by the Principal, with a bouquet, medals, Merit certificate and a packet of goodies.

They also shared their experience with the school, which indeed was a motivation for others to follow their footsteps.

The Chairman Sir Dr. A.F Pinto, Managing Director Madam Grace Pinto as well as Principal Sudha Singh appreciated the efforts of the players and wished them good luck for their future endeavours.

यह भी देखे:-

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शत-प्रतिशत रहा गौतम बुद्ध बालक इंटर कॉलेज के 12वीं का रिजल्ट, दीपक चौहान बने स्कूल टॉपर
जीबीयू परिवार ने चांद्रायन-३ का चंद्रमा की सतह पर उतरने का साक्षी बना
आईटीएस डेंटल कॉलेज दीक्षांत सामारोह, डिग्री पाकर खिले छात्रों के चेहरे
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