Brahmakumaris organized Shivratri Celebrations

Noida, 26 February 2022: The Brahmakumaris Meditation Centers of Noida collectively organized a mega program on the occasion of upcoming Shivratri festival, in Anandee Banquets, Sector – 51, Noida. More than 600 people attended the program themed ‘Receiving God’s Powers and Blessings’, wherein they learnt about the real significance of ‘Shivratri’ and celebrated the upcoming festival in its true essence.

Brahmakumari Asha, Director, Om Shanti Retreat Center, Manesar graced the occasion. The program was also attended by dignitaries like Additional Commissioner of Police Mr. Love Kumar, Additional DCP Mr. Ranvijay Singh and Dist. Level judge Mr. Jai Hind Kumar along with special guests Mrs Rashi Anand (Lakshyam Foundation), Mrs Basanti Caroline Roublin (Tara Child Protection & Empowerment), Mr Saurav Gupta (Shuddhi Foundation), Mrs Varsha Jain & Mr. Anil Jain (Nitya Foundation), Mr Ravi Subramanian (Niveda Foundation) and Mrs Shalini Gupta & Mr Arun Gupta (Pinkishe Foundation). B.K. Asha in her address to the audience gave the complete introduction of Supreme Soul Shiva and also told that only with the complete knowledge of Supreme Source (God), can we be able to connect our mind with the source, which is the means to make mind peaceful and become a master of our mind. She told that it is only the technique of Meditation (Rajyoga) by which we can connect to God and receive immense power and peace. God Shiva’s symbolic flag was also hoisted in the program. The guests in their addresses gave their greetings for the occasion of Shivratri.

यह भी देखे:-

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