New Delhi – 12 May, ’20 – Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) welcomes announcement of Bumper Package made by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India today.  Mr. Rakesh Kumar, Director General –EPCH said that Hon’ble Prime Minister emphasised that package will primarily benefit cottage and MSME sector, thereby benefitting around 7 million artisans from the country. 

 The Hon’ble Prime Minister also specified about land and labour reforms which is a need of the hour.  Presently, a land for industry has become out of reach for the entrepreneurs of small and MSME sector.  In fact, a huge investment of the entrepreneurs is spent alone on the purchase of land instead of better technology, R&D and special effort for marketing and brand building.  If such reforms take place, the small, cottage and MSME sector can contribute hugely in the employment generation and higher GDP of the country. 

 Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts is an apex body of the exporters of handicrafts from the country and the exports of handicrafts is around USD 3.8 billion.

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