Ryan International School Greater Noida adds another feather to its cap as It is indeed a proud moment for Ryan International School, Greater Noida for bagging the ALL INDIA 5 RANK in EDUCATION WORLD GRAND JURY AWARD for ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY SCHOOL in the India School Ranking Award 2019, organized by the Education World 2019 held at Ambience Mall, Gurugram on 28th – 29th September 2019.

The school was chosen for the award on the basis of its exemplary work in planting 2500 trees in and out the school premises, community, nearby vicinity, Sakipur Village, and various societies and companies located in greater noida and noida.

The school conducts various awareness campaigns, Poster Making Competitions, Debates, Special Assemblies, Nukkad Natak, Dance Performances promoting SAVE ENVIRONMENT, RECYCLING OF NON-DEGRADABLE WASTE, CONSERVING WATER etc.

The school seriously took up various activities under the JAL SHAKTI ABHIYAN to promote awareness of WATER CONSERVATION and Stopping Water Pollution. The school has also initiated a campaign where they had visited Sakipur Village for non usage of plastic and polythene.

The school also appeared in the GUINESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORD for collecting 200 tons of E-WASTE. This recognition motivates the students and all other schools as well to take initiatives to conserve nature and keep sustainable development as un important issue.

The school thanked its mentors Dr. A F Pinto and Managing Director Madam Grace Pinto for their vision and support in bringing up the school.

यह भी देखे:-

Independence Day Celebration at Ryan Greater Noida
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जी.एन.आई.ओ.टी. कालेज में मनाया दिवाली मिलन समारोह
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शारदा विश्वविद्लाया में संतोष ट्राफी का समापन
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कैदियों को नहीं लगेगा डर: छात्रों ने डिजाइन की नई जेल
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जीएनआईओटी कॉलेज में कॉरपोरेट जगत के सम्मानित सलाहकारो की बैठक का आयोजन किया गया
बिलासपुर निवासी अदीबा खान बनीं आर्किटेक्ट,परिवार में खुशी की लहर
खुशख़बरी : बढ़ते मामलों के बीच मौत को मात दे रहे है कोरोना के मरीज़, जानें पूरी ख़बर