GREATER NOIDA : “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort and it comes in small packages” Ryanites of Ryan International School, Greater Noida experienced a double delight as they celebrated Montessori Graduation ceremony and Junior School Annual Day- Ryanotsav 2017-18, with real pomp and splendor in the morning and evening sessions.

“Children Around the World” was the theme of Ryan Utsav 2018 based on the concept of pulsating and appreciating the imaginative instincts and acts of brilliant and talented students of Ryan International to bring out their hidden aptitude. At Ryan talent and skills are the crops that are nurtured, groomed and given all possible opportunities to grow and bloom.

1000 students of Montessori and Primary presented their fountain of talent during fantastic series of Welcome to the bee Musical and The Magic of Music. Mont students depicted that like bees co-operation is the key to success and that division of labour and thorough training makes us highly efficient. They also showcased that -It’s the team behaving as one, in pursuit of a common goal which brings success, not a leader laying down the rules. The students depicted their happiness through musical dance and drama based on instruments , travel and Values that weave the very texture of life.

The immaculate presentation of Ryanities Vision of Children Around the World mesmerized the audience through heart rendering dance and enactment showcasing how by educating girls and allowing them to be independent we can empower the nation and give it a better future. Ryanites depicted how they are inspired by Child Prodigies like Picasso, Mozart, Sofia and Ramanujan to make decisions quickly , move into actions immediately and by following these principles they can make their dreams come true.
ryan international school
The cultural fiesta was interspersed by Mont. Graduation wherein the tiny tots received their degree of honour. The students from Montessori to class V were also felicitated with awards for their meritorious and excellent scholastic and Co scholastic achievement in various categories- Ryan Scholar award for excellence in academics, Star Performance award for sports, Oratory skills award, Nimble feet award for dance, Nightingale award for singing, Instrument Player award, Creative Finger award, Student bagging maximum certificate award, Math Whiz kid award, 100% Attendance Award.

The prestigious Ryan Prince and Princess award was bagged by the following students – Vihaan Kansal & Yashvi Chaudhary (Montessori- I), Anay Singh & Ritisha (Montessori II), Sparsh & Aylin and Trisha Chaubey (Montessori III), Anshuman Sinha & Avani Agrohi (Class I), Namish Endley & Gorma Wanchoo (Class II), Tanishq Khanna & Nitya Malhotra (Class III),Pratyush Kaul & Ameeshi Raghu (Class IV), Satyam Agarwal & Mrinalini Sharma (Class V).

Music is love, love is music, music is life.Musical ensemble in orchestra punctuated the day with captivating array of tunes from various parts of the world ( Latvia, Russia, Korea and of course India ) taking the programme to its final crescendo.

The school was privileged by the presence of dignitaries – Mr. Ajay Prasanna –Classical Flute Player; Guruvayur Dr. Manikandan-Professor & HOD Delhi University and Classical Carnatic Music Player ; Mr. Pradeep Sharma Khusro-Writer & Researcher; Mr. Gajanan Mali- Founder- Tennews ; Mr. Brajesh Singh –Business Head- Essel Utilities ; Mr. Bhavesh Surya Kant –Educationist; Mouj Play School; Mrs. Amla Lal- Principal, Happy Hours School; Mrs. Renu Sagar- Principal .

The function ended the beautiful resonance with the vote of thanks and school anthem followed by National Anthem.

The entire programme was applauded by everyone present and will always remain etched in the memory of one and all. The school head thanked the parents for their support.

यह भी देखे:-

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